Chilli Piper
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Chilli Extra Balsamic Dressing


Sweet balsamic dressing with attitude! This fabulous dressing packs quite a kick - not for the fainthearted. Semi reduced to give a delightful thick syrup-like consistency. The chilli gives a lovely tang to a flavour that will liven up your salads, and is perfect with pasta.  It’s wonderful with poultry and works on smoked peppered mackerel, or try a drizzle over cous-cous. 

Heat Level: Medium/Hot
Shelf life: Approx 1 year
Once opened eat within 30 days.

Balsamic Vinegar (56.6%) (wine vinegar, concentrated grape must, colour - caramel) (contains sulphites), Raw Cane Sugar, Pepper Sauce (4%), (White Distilled Vinegar, Red Pepper, Salt), Vanilla Extract, Chocolate Extract, Spices.

Allergy Advice:
Provided by manufacturer: As sulphites are present in balsamic vinegar, all Little Doone dressings contain sulphites.

Product made by Little Doone.

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